Friday, March 27, 2009

how to tell if you're depressed

let me list them all:
1. sometimes i feel like i don't wanna go through the day anymore, and i just wanna sleep to make time go faster. i have no energy for anything.
2. i have pretty much lost interest in a lot of things. i'll go out, but don't really wanna do much.
3. i've been feeling sad and unhappy every single day. i guess my face pretty much reveals it. matt's always asking me what's wrong but i never say anything. i try really hard to put up a front and say everything's ok, but i guess im failing at that.
4. i feel like no matter what i do, things just end up going wrong for me.
5. i feel like a failure.
6. i feel like crying all the time.
7. i'll just lie down on my bed and stare at the ceiling for hours.
8. i lose my appetite really fast. ill try to eat for a couple of minutes but after that, i just give up.
9. its hard for me to concentrate on anything. i have a thousand thoughts running through my head, but i just want them to stop.
10. i think i have mood swings.

i jus want it all to stop.

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